Liz Newton - Biography
Liz Newton was born in Australia, has three adult children and currently lives in Sydney with her husband and dog.
Extensive travelling including road trips across continents, sailing adventures and family holidays, has provided inspiration for creative writing and photography.
Liz has worked in health services and, in particular, mental health including drug and alcohol, in a variety of roles, as well as teaching and tutoring at universities and involvement in health research and ethics.
Her academic background is in Anthropology and Comparative Sociology. Research has included exploring issues of indigenous suicide, vocational training opportunities for people with mental health issues, and a PhD doctoral thesis on the ethnography of deinstitutionalisation for people with mental illness, resulting in many peer reviewed publications.
More recently Liz has enjoyed the freedom and creativity of fiction writing, without the constraints of academic publications.

Reflections (2021)
Reflection is selection of twenty poems. The poems can be purchased through Ginninderra Press, click here to access.

Mosaics (2022)
Mosaics is selection of twenty poems. The poems can be purchased through Ginninderra Press, click here to access.
Short stories

Secrets and Wishes (2022)
In this selection of compelling short stories, Liz Newton takes the reader into the lives of others, where relationships and families are dissected and reimagined. A myriad of characters, across different landscapes, weave their journeys of loss, love and survival through everyday and oftentimes unusual circumstances. The short stories can be purchased through Ginninderra Press, click here to access.

The Firing Line (2019)
The Firing Line is the compelling true story of a girl growing up with her family from the mid-1950s. The ensuing few decades become a time when everyday life for her mother, brother and sister, and herself, changed when their father became mentally ill with manic depressive psychosis (now known as bipolar disorder), and then became addicted to prescribed barbiturates washed down with alcohol. Anecdotes of happy and tragic times are dotted with spot fires, and actual fires. Striving for a ‘normal’ family the reader is taken on a journey through the vagaries of childhood, and turbulent teens into adulthood. An emotional roller-coaster of pathos, aggression and fear, is juxtaposed against humorous coping skills. Dreams, love and loss, collateral damage and resilience uncover the truth about nearly forgotten times ultimately pierced by indelible memories.

Jagged Edge of Joy (2017)
“This novel skilfully weaves together a tale of love that explores one mother s joy and another ones grief The grey depths of a tragedy exposes each of the characters in a way that demonstrates that love can have many reflections that endure. One act of deception engages the reader on a journey across the world to face truths and revenge. ”
- Addison Russell, author of The Invisible Journey
“When a child disappears without a trace, each member of the family is plagued with feelings of guilt. This is a gripping story that takes the reader on a journey to the depths of despair. tinged with fleeting moments of happiness and the jagged edge of joy. ”
- Vivian Waring author When Tears Ran Dry
“Well written, with an extraordinary twist in the tale that you won t see coming. Entertaining and brilliantly told, neatly woven together. ”
- Alison Lewis, author of Seasons of Life & Missing
“While happiness is hidden in plain sight, it is grief, pain, secrets and lies which fuel Jagged Edge of Joy, stoking the coals of this riveting read - impossible to put down! ”
- Chris McGuigan, Kensington Review
“Liz Newton has dug into the heart of what haunts parents all over the world - the disappearance of a child and the all the heartache that involves. This novel deserves to be a bestseller. ”
- John Morrow's Pick of the Week
Meandering (2014)
A selection of short stories set in different time
periods, where a myriad of characters wander
across a variety of landscapes.
Along the way they face everyday and
sometimes unusual circumstances.
Faraway on an island (2013)
“ Sit back and read this fantastic book about island life, swimming with love, romance and intrigue. You won’t regret it - in fact it may just change your life forever. A captivating story ”
- John Morrow’s Pick of the Week
“ This is a gentle book with just enough blue skies and oceans and island scenes to lull the reader, and just enough tension and intrigue to add spice to the recipe. A very creditable debutnovel with lovely characters and a superb sub-plot. ”
- Wendy O’Hanlon - Acres Australia
Academic Publications
Newton L, Rosen A, Tennant C, Hobbs C, Lapsley H, Tribe K [2000]. Deinstitutionalisation for long-term mental illness: an ethnographic study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34: 484-490.
Newton L, Rosen A, Tennant C, Hobbs C [2001]. Moving out and moving on: some ethnographic observations of deinstitutionalisation in an Australian community. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 25, 152-162.
Hobbs C, Tennant C, Rosen A, Newton L, Tribe K [2002]. Deinstitutionalisation for long-term mental illness: a six-year evaluation. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36: 60-66.
Hobbs C, Tennant C, Rosen A, Newton L, Lapsley H, Tribe K, Brown J [2000]. Deinstitutionalisation for long-term mental illness: a two-year clinical evaluation. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34: 476-483.
Lapsley H, Tribe K, Tennant C, Rosen A, Hobbs C, Newton L [2000]. Deinstitutionalisation for long-term mental illness: cost differences in hospital & community care. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34: 491-495.
Newton, L. Review “Bedlam on the Streets” C. Knowles: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Feb 2002
Rosen, A. Newton, L. Barfoot, K. [2003] Evidence based Alternatives to Institutional Psychiatric Care. Medicine Today, September, Vol 4 No 9.
O’Connor, N. Newton, L. Ward, D. Warby, M. [2005] “Enabling clinicians to become the quality leaders in mental health care.” Australasian Psychiatry
Corbishley, J. Yiannakis, T. Newton, L. [2005] “Healthy Lifestyle Interventions and Weight Loss: Clinical Practice Improvement Project for clients with a mental illness.” Australian Association for Quality and Safety in HealthCare Journal – Winner best article for AAQHC Journal 2005-6
Mahli GS, Adams D, Porter R, Wignall A, Lampe L, O’Connor N, Paton M, Newton L, Walter G, Taylor A, Berk M, Mulder RT Clinical Practice Recommendations Depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 2009:119[suppl 439]: 8-26.
Mahli GS, Adams D, Wignall A, Lampe L, Paton M, O’Connor N, Newton L, Walter G, Taylor A, Porter R, Mulder RT, Berk M.Clinical Practice Recommendations Bipolar Disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 2009:119 [sup 439]:27-46.
Curran, G. Walter,G. Soh,N. Baker,M. Newton, L. Paton, M. ‘Staff experience, knowledge and attitudes regarding management of adolescent patients in mental health units.’ Australasian Psychiatry, March 2011.
I also undertake peer reviewing for International and local journals /books.
Conference Presentations and Proceedings
2008- Clinical Governance in Mental Health ‘National Forum on Quality and Safety in Health care’, Adelaide.
2005- Annual Scientific Conference- Association for Regulatory and Clinical Scientists- Plenary session “Jurisdiction of Ethics Committees”.
2004: TheMHS conference- Brisbane Chaired workshop on “The practice of recovery- a journey of culture change in an organisation”.
2002 Sydney: The Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Services Conference. “Stigma Symposium” and “ Symposium on Vocational and educational opportunities for people with a Mental Illness”.
2001 Sydney: Chair for Vocational Conference for Mental Health
2000 Adelaide: The Mental Health Service Conference of Australia and New Zealand. Topic: “Factors Affecting Community Study (FACTS) Longitudinal evaluation”.
2000 Sydney: Mental Health Nurse Conference. “Rehabilitation the Creative Way”.
2000 Adelaide: The MHS Conference. “Volunteerism- Creating Pathways and Developing Roles”.
1998 Adelaide: Presented on Deinstitutionalisation to Glenside and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals.
1997 Sydney: The Mental Health Service Conference of Australia and New Zealand. Topic: “Factors Affecting Community Study (FACTS) Quantitative, qualitative and health economic results”.
1997 Sydney: TheMHS conference. “Cornucopia – An Innovative Community Supported Employment Program”.
1997 Brisbane: The Mental Health Service Conference of Australia and New Zealand. Topic: “Research methodologies in mental health”.
1996 Albury: Australian Anthropological Society Conference. “Moving Out and Moving On – the Experience of Deinstitutionalisation in an Australian Community”.
1994 Perth: Australian Society for Psychiatric Research. Topic: “The effects of discharge into the community on long stay psychiatric hospital patients”.
1994 “Stigma and Mental Illness” – NSH.